Saturday, June 18, 2016

A little piece of France in Hialeah

La Fresa Francesa:

Because you obviously think of France when you hear of Hialeah.... don't you? Well let me tell you, France has made it's Hialeah debut. Located in a strip mall, this hidden gem instantly transports you to Provence upon opening it's doors. It's a small quaint cafe with rustic french charm. With only a handful of tables you may have to wait a while for a seat, but jot your name down, it's worth it. The mastermind couple behind La Fresa Francesa are Sandy Sanchez and Benoit Rablat. Sandy, the friendly Hialeah native works the front of the house and Benoit the French native runs the kitchen.

On the menu you'll find french items with a cuban twist. For my drink I chose their homemade strawberry lemonade which was not overly sweet, slightly tart and very refreshing. I hadn't noticed the guava mimosa until I became envious of the girl in the next table sipping it, I shall order that next time. For my main entree I chose the Cubano en Paris sandwich, delicious braised pork, perfectly melted gruyere cheese, slightly tangy dijon, pickled red onions in freshly baked la brea bakery artisan bread. It was delicious, it's like the french version of a pan con lechon and I am an instant huge fan. 

For dessert two crepes caught my eye. I was happy to have my best friend with me so that we could order both and share. We ordered the guava creme and the monito borracho. The guava creme was not light on the filling, you got a great portion of pastel guayaba jam in every bite, perfectly balanced by the creme fraiche. The crepe was crispy on the edges and soft around the filling. The monito borracho is more of an open faced crepe, it has the flambeed bananas in a delicious pool of butter, brown sugar and spiced rum. They were both amazing, can't really pick one over the other. Note: you can get a scoop of vanilla ice cream with the monito borracho crepe, OH MY!

In short, I will now be making out my way to Hialeah quite often thanks to this little piece of Provence nestled in its neighborhood.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016



1 boliche cortado a la mitad
1 chorizo español cortado en tiras
4 tiras largas de tocino sin pellejo
Aceite de oliva
Sal y pimienta
1 cebolla grande
1 ají verde
1 ají rojo
4 dientes de ajo
Hoja de laurel
Tomillo y orégano
1 botella de vino tinto
Caldo de pollo
Pasta de tomate
Vino de Jerez (vino seco)

Mechar los pedazos de boliche con el chorizo y el tocino.
Untar el boliche con aceite de oliva y ponerle sal y pimienta. Cubrir y refrigerar por 24 horas.
En una cazuela lo suficientemente grande, poner un poco de aceite de oliva y dorar el boliche completamente.

Añadir la cebolla, el ají y el ajo picados. Cuando la cebolla este suave, añadir la hoja de laurel, tomillo, orégano y comino. Rehogar por unos minutos. Añadir el vino y dejar que hierva. Si necesita más líquido agregarle caldo de pollo. Cuando esté hirviendo, agregar sal y pimienta si es necesario,tapar y bajar la candela. Cocinar hasta que el boliche este suave cuando se pincha con un tenedor (de hora a hora y media). 

Sacar el boliche y rebanarlo el lascas de 1 pulgada de ancho.

Pasar la salsa por un procesador de alimentos o por la batidora.

Poner la salsa de nuevo en el caldero en fuego alto. Agregar las rebanadas de boliche, 1 cucharada de pasta de tomate, un vasito de vino seco y aceitunas aliñadas. Bajar el fuego a mediano, tapar y cocinar por unos 20 minutos más. Si la salsa está muy clara. Cocinar a fuego alto hasta  que espese. Si la salsa está muy  espesa, agregar un poco de caldo.